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Sunday, May 23, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT on blog status, + brief thoughts on Lubert Das and the library of it all

Hello, and welcome to The 10th Dentist blog. If you're new to the blog, welcome! I'm sorry I missed you. If you've been around here before, you may have noticed how little this blog gets updated. You can now find me at RESIDENT SOUND, a music and culture site.

Here I'll be getting into a little bit about the switch, my mental state and philosophy behind my writing. I encourage you to go check out the new site, which can also lead you to various social media channels both for the site and myself (as a writer). So let's get into it.


As you can see, The 10th Dentist was never meant to be too professional. I wanted it this way. Besides being hosted by blogger, I liked the grey, unpolished flatness to this site. It's how I remembered blogs when I was younger, and it's an, i guess, not quite but almost subversive aesthetic to take on; normcore in a way.

I've been blessed to have a lot of opportunities and privileged that many of my peers and contemporaries didn't or still don't have in their lives, most importantly of which is a loving family and life partner. Unfortunately, I've still felt miserable for most of my life. 

I've felt miserable in many facets, but most importantly to the creation of this blog was a lack of accomplishment both professionally and socially.

I never really had friends. I had people who didn't pick on me certain days, and people who would just talk to me. At age 5 I got punched in the face for the first time. By age 9 I failed to carry out my first suicide attempt. This has pretty much carried on since then.

This isn't to be 'whoa is me' about the whole thing. Simply to say it wasn't for lack of trying that I didn't connect with people socially. All of my social relationships were parasocial interactions, faux-social relations with characters in media. I loved TV and Youtube and would stay up all night watching shows, especially Buzzfeed Unsolved. I loved the contrasting uneasiness of the true crime and paranormal subject matter combined with the cozy consistency of hosts Ryan and Shane sitting at a desk together in a cozy dark room.

I would see these people having successful careers, doing something people loved, and seemingly having a lot of fun while they did it. I knew I could never be friends with people like this, as it was just a false feeling of a shared social connection. But I knew I could reach out, interview and cross the paths of many of the musicians and media makers I loved so much by bringing them together into the same 'universe': RESIDENT SOUND.

By operating my own site that I can monetize, each piece I write and the time I put into promoting it is an investment in myself. I can make money sharing my ideas on music, media, and culture, all the while interconnecting various works of art and entertainment that otherwise would never cross paths.


Who is Lubert Das? It's me! Or as you know me; a random set of emerging ideas and theories. Ideas aren't created in a vacuum. Why should some bozo (me) get the credit for it? One day I will die and if the ideas I have contributed were worth anything they will reverberate among and across humanity, twisting and changing and taking the form of further artistic endeavors. That is the best thing I can offer to humanity it seems, so I want to stay out of my own way.

I like to think of Resident Sound as a library. Right now it's one of those 'little free libraries' you find in neighborhoods. It's small and half empty, has a couple of well worn books and someone's mix CD in it. You could maybe browse through all of it in a few minutes. But I hope to expand and expand, adding more and more articles, reviews, and '+ brief thoughts' posts to the point this little free library is a big and expansive destination of the web where you can come and stay cozy on a rainy after noon, hours and hours of learning and discovering to be had.

Until that day, hang with me. Share Resident Sound with a friend or relative. Share an article or review you enjoy on your favorite social media account, favorite forum or subreddit. It would mean the world to me. Thank you.


- Lubert Das 


ANNOUNCEMENT on blog status, + brief thoughts on Lubert Das and the library of it all

Hello, and welcome to The 10th Dentist blog. If you're new to the blog, welcome! I'm sorry I missed you. If you've been around h...